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Today's NCAAB Picks

North Carolina Tar Heels North Carolina 31
Clemson Tigers Clemson 47
LIVE1:15 - 1st
North Carolina AT Aggies North Carolina AT +13
Campbell Fighting Camels Campbell -13
Mon, 8:00 PM
Charlotte 49ers Charlotte +13
Florida Atlantic Owls Florida Atlantic -13
Mon, 9:00 PM
Baylor Bears Baylor +9.5
Houston Cougars Houston -9.5
Mon, 9:00 PM
Fresno St. Bulldogs Fresno St. +15.5
Nevada Wolf Pack Nevada -15.5
Mon, 11:00 PM

Today's NBA Picks

San Antonio Spurs San Antonio 40
Washington Wizards Washington 38
LIVE10:16 - 2nd
Atlanta Hawks Atlanta 32
Orlando Magic Orlando 27
LIVE10:04 - 2nd
Minnesota Timberwolves Minnesota 16
Cleveland Cavaliers Cleveland 40
LIVE9:53 - 2nd
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte 6
Brooklyn Nets Brooklyn 4
LIVE9:23 - 1st
Boston Celtics Boston 0
Miami Heat Miami 2
LIVE11:29 - 1st
Golden State Warriors Golden State -6.5
Milwaukee Bucks Milwaukee +6.5
Mon, 8:00 PM
New Orleans Pelicans New Orleans +17
Oklahoma City Thunder Oklahoma City -17
Mon, 8:00 PM
Sacramento Kings Sacramento -1
Dallas Mavericks Dallas +1
Mon, 8:30 PM
Portland Trail Blazers Portland +9.5
Denver Nuggets Denver -9.5
Mon, 9:00 PM
Utah Jazz Utah +12
Los Angeles Lakers Los Angeles -12
Mon, 10:30 PM

Upcoming Games

Tue, 7:00 PM
UAB BlazersUAB
East Carolina PiratesE.CAR
Tue, 7:00 PM
BYU CougarsBYU
West Virginia MountaineersW.VA
Tue, 7:00 PM
Syracuse OrangeSyracuse
Miami HurricanesMiami
Tue, 7:00 PM
Iowa St. CyclonesIowa St.
Central Florida Golden KnightsUCF
Tue, 7:00 PM
Tennessee VolunteersTennessee
Kentucky WildcatsKentucky
Tue, 9:00 PM
Penn St. Nittany LionsPenn St.
USC TrojansUSC
Tue, 9:00 PM
Alabama Crimson TideAlabama
Texas LonghornsTexas
Tue, 9:00 PM
Colorado BuffaloesColorado
Kansas JayhawksKansas
Tue, 9:00 PM
Georgia BulldogsGeorgia
Texas A&M AggiesTexas A&M
Tue, 9:00 PM
Connecticut HuskiesUCONN
Creighton BluejaysCreighton
Tue, 10:00 PM
Air Force FalconsAir Force
UNLV Runnin RebelsUNLV
Tue, 11:00 PM
San Diego St. AztecsSDST
San Jose St. SpartansSJSU
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