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Today's NCAAB Picks

Oregon Ducks Oregon +8
Michigan Wolverines Michigan -8
Wed, 6:30 PM
Butler Bulldogs Butler -3.5
Seton Hall Pirates Seton Hall +3.5
Wed, 6:30 PM
Duke Blue Devils Duke -17.25
Syracuse Orange Syracuse +17.25
Wed, 7:00 PM
Detroit Mercy Titans Detroit Mercy +12.25
Robert Morris Colonials Robert Morris -12.25
Wed, 7:00 PM
Cincinnati Bearcats Cincinnati +3
Central Florida Golden Knights Central Florida -3
Wed, 7:00 PM
Rice Owls Rice +7.5
East Carolina Pirates East Carolina -7.5
Wed, 7:00 PM
George Mason Patriots George Mason -2
George Washington Colonials George Washington +2
Wed, 7:00 PM
Valparaiso Crusaders Valparaiso +5
Indiana St. Sycamores Indiana St. -5
Wed, 7:00 PM
Rhode Island Rams Rhode Island -1
Fordham Rams Fordham +1
Wed, 7:00 PM
Louisville Cardinals Louisville -13
Boston College Eagles Boston College +13
Wed, 7:00 PM
Troy Trojans Troy +1.5
James Madison Dukes James Madison -1.5
Wed, 7:00 PM
Missouri Tigers Missouri +9
Tennessee Volunteers Tennessee -9
Wed, 7:00 PM
Northern Iowa Panthers Northern Iowa -4
Missouri St. Bears Missouri St. +4
Wed, 7:00 PM
Southern Illinois Salukis Southern Illinois +1.5
Evansville Aces Evansville -1.5
Wed, 8:00 PM
Tulsa Golden Hurricane Tulsa +17
Memphis Tigers Memphis -17
Wed, 8:00 PM
West Virginia Mountaineers West Virginia +1.5
TCU Horned Frogs TCU -1.5
Wed, 8:00 PM
Tulane Green Wave Tulane -1.5
Texas-San Antonio Roadrunners Texas-San Antonio +1.5
Wed, 8:00 PM
Illinois St. Redbirds Illinois St. +3.5
Ill.-Chicago Flames Ill.-Chicago -3.5
Wed, 8:00 PM
Creighton Bluejays Creighton -3.5
Providence Friars Providence +3.5
Wed, 8:30 PM
Illinois Fighting Illini Illinois -7.5
Rutgers Scarlet Knights Rutgers +7.5
Wed, 8:30 PM

Today's NBA Picks

Cleveland Cavaliers Cleveland -5.5
Detroit Pistons Detroit +5.5
Wed, 7:00 PM
Milwaukee Bucks Milwaukee -10.5
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte +10.5
Wed, 7:00 PM
San Antonio Spurs San Antonio -4.75
Atlanta Hawks Atlanta +4.75
Wed, 7:00 PM
Miami Heat Miami -1
Philadelphia 76ers Philadelphia +1
Wed, 7:30 PM
Memphis Grizzlies Memphis -9.5
Toronto Raptors Toronto +9.5
Wed, 7:30 PM
Washington Wizards Washington +2
Brooklyn Nets Brooklyn -2
Wed, 7:30 PM
Chicago Bulls Chicago +11
Minnesota Timberwolves Minnesota -11
Wed, 8:00 PM
Golden State Warriors Golden State -6.5
Utah Jazz Utah +6.5
Wed, 9:00 PM
New Orleans Pelicans New Orleans +10.5
Denver Nuggets Denver -10.5
Wed, 9:00 PM
Phoenix Suns Phoenix +12
Oklahoma City Thunder Oklahoma City -12
Wed, 9:30 PM
Orlando Magic Orlando +5.5
Sacramento Kings Sacramento -5.5
Wed, 10:00 PM

Today's NHL Picks

Boston Bruins Boston +157
New York Rangers New York -176
Wed, 7:00 PM
Edmonton Oilers Edmonton -270
Chicago Blackhawks Chicago +230
Wed, 9:30 PM
Montreal Canadiens Montreal +200
Los Angeles Kings Los Angeles -235
Wed, 10:30 PM

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